One of the most challenging aspects of blogging can be keeping your content fresh and relevant. If you’ve been blogging for any amount of time, it can be easy to find yourself recycling the same posts or just writing entirely new posts that don’t really benefit from the knowledge you’ve gained over the years. In this article, we’ll go over some tips to help you update your old blog posts and keep your content fresh without putting in too much extra work or rehashing something that doesn’t really add value to your readers anymore.

1) Change the Title
If your old post has a title that’s no longer relevant, then you should probably change it. Not only does it make it easier for search engines to index your new content, but it also gives you an opportunity to rebrand and repurpose existing work for a new audience. If you don’t want to lose ranking on Google, changing just one element of a page is enough – like moving or removing an image or updating text.
2) Choose Better Photos
There’s a reason why so many popular bloggers update their photos—visual appeal is huge. Readers are more likely to share posts with beautiful, high-quality images than ones with grainy or pixelated pictures. Think about it: when you visit a website, what draws your attention first? Is it a beautifully styled photo, or one of those stock images that may have been taken by an intern? You need professional-looking photographs that attract visitors’ attention at first glance.
3) Add New Sections
Rather than rewriting your whole post, try adding new sections. Simply update your old content by introducing a few new headers or paragraphs in strategic places throughout. This works especially well if you’re creating a list post. For example, you could add How-To and FAQ sections that offer tips or answers common questions in regards to your topic. The key is to keep it natural—try not to make it obvious that you added in new content later on!
4) Edit Body Paragraphs
Nothing is worse than seeing a website with out-of-date information. If you’re finding that your old posts are getting a little dusty, or if you’re just adding new information from your expert interviews, there are a few simple edits you can make to help keep things fresh. For example, changing: Don’t forget that Valentine’s Day is right around the corner! Be sure to send our free valentine ecards out on February 14th!
Final Thoughts
If you have old blog posts that you want to update with more recent information, doing so can breathe new life into your content and help keep your readers interested in what you have to say. The above four ways will help you to update old blog posts without adding too much extra work or confusing your readers.