The Pandemic of 2020 turned business operations to adapt to this new normal. Work from home is not a new concept, but it’s a new normal for many CEOs and Business owners.
What the new normal has made us learned is that some people are more productive at working from home than they are in the office. I’ve seen that most companies found that their business was more productive during pandemic months than the usual ones.
Yet, if your team is not working productively. let’s look at some ways to encourage them for remote work-
Treat It As A Skill
Work from home is not intuitive for everyone in your team, and it can develop over time. That’s why encourage WFH has a skill- once you practice and improve it with time.
For example, when you start learning something new, you’re probably bad at the beginning. But over some time, you start getting better and better at that skill. Similarly, WFH is a skill and gets better over some time of practice.
Jumping into a WFH environment is like hiring a talent without having a particular skill.
The discipline bears a repeating secret. Undisciplined was hard in an office environment. But, it is harder to be slacking while WFH.
You should be more disciplined and self-motivation to be productive when working from WFH. Many a time employees are unable to draw the line between working and non-working hours. If you are working in the night for a long hour, believe me, you’re driving crazy.
If you’re thinking about an author. The more hours they work, the closer they are to finishing their book. Yet, remember that they take a long break from their work. So, make sure to develop discipline and self-motivation habits to increase your productivity.
Pomodoro Technique
Pomodoro technique is a time management skill. It uses a timer to break down the long working hours into small break intervals. But, the technique is more impactful for several people to increase productivity.
Traditionally people spend 25 minutes fully focused on their work, then take a 5 minutes’ short break. Repeat the method four times and then take a long break of 15-20 minutes.
Give it a try next time you feel exhausted while working for long hours.
Team Collaboration
One thing that can help you to concentrate more on your work is team collaboration. If you and at least one more team member work together, it allows you to focus on increasing productivity and recreates the office environment.
Assuming that everyone is equally productive is not realistic, however, collaborating allows everyone to be more productive and drive more results.
Mental Wellbeing
Many people in your organization may feel mentally frustrated due to job uncertainty, the health of colleagues & family members, restriction to travel, or any mental health issues.
Implement a well-planned policy to offer them relief from mental stress. The team’s ability to communicate through video & voice calls, personal chats, and generally stay present for live calls.
The way work is evolving at an unprecedented rate, motivating your team members by relieving mental stress can impact mental wellbeing.
Working remotely can sometimes overwhelm your team members. It can be a great opportunity to increase the productivity of your business.
If properly planned, working remotely can provide the best opportunity for you and your business. Don’t pass it!