How to Succeed in Marketing: The Evergreen Principles

Marketing has become more of an art than a science over the years, with the advent of artificial intelligence and big data analytics leading to an age where just being good at marketing no longer guarantees you success. However, while it’s true that many trends in marketing come and go, some marketing practices will always remain evergreen, regardless of the state of technology or how things change over time.

Marketing practices change rapidly, but there are also some principles that remain evergreen, regardless of the business model or the product being sold, and regardless of the industry. This article shows you what these principles are and how you can use them to reach your marketing goals in the most effective way possible. What are these practices? Let’s find out together!

Have a catchy headline

Headlines matter, because they determine whether your content gets noticed or not. One of my favorite headlines is from Jon Morrow’s Copyblogger: 17 Copywriting Secrets That Will Make You Rich. It’s a great headline that promises a lot and delivers on it. 

Present the solution, not just the problem

No one likes a problem solver, because we all know how to solve problems. A solution, on the other hand, is something you’re providing that nobody else can; it doesn’t exist yet! This is how you stand out from your competitors and make money. Instead of just presenting what’s wrong with your customers’ situations, try and present them with a whole new situation that removes their pain entirely. What solutions could you offer? How might they help?

Add images and videos

Images and videos are essential elements of any digital marketing campaign. They are also known to have a positive impact on increasing conversion rates. The image can be a screenshot of your website, or anything related to your product. If you have video tutorials, you can add those too! Search for free images and free stock images online and you will find thousands of options. In addition, there are websites that offer royalty-free videos that can be used in your content.

Include testimonials from people who have used your product or service

A testimonial is a simple statement (written or recorded) from someone who’s experienced your product or service and has found it valuable. Testimonials are much more powerful than any other form of marketing material (like, say, advertisements). As I mentioned above, they help you establish trust with new customers. In addition, they can lead to referrals; if one person in your network likes what you have to offer, chances are good that her friends will too.

When it comes to your business, marketing isn’t something you only think about in the summer, right before the holiday season or when you’re opening up another shop in your city. In fact, these are the times when you should be thinking most about how to market your business well. It doesn’t matter what kind of company you run, or what kind of products or services you provide – there are some marketing principles that can always be used to help grow your business further.