4 Popular Myths About Becoming an Entrepreneur (That Just Aren’t True)

Entrepreneurship gets talked about so much in the media these days that it’s easy to start believing you can just quit your job, come up with an idea, start your own business, and be wildly successful with no prior experience. But, the path to entrepreneurship isn’t nearly as straightforward as we’d like to think it is, which can make it seem even more appealing than it actually is! In this article, we’ll talk about some of the most common myths surrounding entrepreneurship and dispel them by showing the reality behind each one.

1: You’re born with it

Many people think that to be a successful entrepreneur, you have to have entrepreneurial DNA. But it doesn’t matter if your mom and dad had a business or not—there are plenty of entrepreneurs who come from non-business backgrounds. All that matters is that you’re passionate about what you do. If you want to start a business, just go for it. Don’t let what others tell you hold you back!

2: Money can buy happiness

This is one of those common myths that actually has some grounding in reality. While not being able to make ends meet can definitely make you less happy, if you have a decent income, you’re likely to be happier than if you’re living paycheck-to-paycheck. That said, don’t let your spending get out of control just because it won’t immediately ruin your life; instead, find ways to be thrifty and live well within your means.

3: You have to compromise your personal life to become an entrepreneur

Not true. When you work for yourself, you get to dictate when and where you work. You also can create a flexible schedule that works for you and your family. If staying late at night or coming in on weekends isn’t a possibility for you, then don’t do it—and no one can make you feel guilty about it!

4: You don’t need connections to be successful

If you do, however, have a few acquaintances in your industry who are able to introduce you to others who can help get your business off of the ground—connections that you can never pay for—then it’s possible that these contacts will help give your business a boost from day one. It doesn’t hurt but certainly won’t make or break your success.

Final Thoughts

The idea of becoming an entrepreneur can be appealing and exciting, but it can also seem completely overwhelming if you’ve never done it before. Some people are deterred by the fear that they don’t have the right skills or experience to run their own business, while others might hear all kinds of negative stereotypes about entrepreneurs and simply choose not to believe them. The fact is that no matter what your motivation or background may be, there are plenty of myths about becoming an entrepreneur that simply aren’t true and can keep you from pursuing your entrepreneurial dream.