Running a company can be stressful, especially when you’re dealing with the same day-to-day issues that come up at every level of your organization. We asked entrepreneurs to share some of their most frequently asked questions, and here are the five most common answers we heard back, along with some helpful tips to go along with each one. If you have any questions about starting or running your own company, check out these FAQs before you ask another entrepreneur!
How do you manage time?
One key to managing time is to learn how to say no. When you say yes to something, it will take up some of your time. Saying no takes courage, but it saves you time in the end. Another way to manage your time well is by giving yourself breaks during the day.
How do you stay organized?
Entrepreneurs stay organized by creating detailed schedules and time management systems. Some entrepreneurs use apps to help them, such as iCal, while others prefer to go old school with pen and paper. What works best is what works best for you. Just remember to prioritize the important tasks ahead of the less urgent ones in order to be more productive.
What is your relationship like with family members?
For entreprenuers , it can be hard to strike the right balance between work and family life. They are often the first to arrive at their workplace in the morning and last to leave in the evening, spending more time with their employees than they do with friends or family members. As an entrepreneur myself, they found it important not only to maintain my work-life balance, but also their personal relationships with those closest to them.
How did you get investors/clients?
Entrepreneurs get investors or clients in a variety of ways. Many times, an entrepreneur will rely on the goodwill of family and friends to fund their company until they can find more traditional avenues. Other entrepreneurs may seek out angel investors, but many small businesses are funded by venture capital firms or private equity companies. It’s not uncommon for an entrepreneur to have more than one investor or client at any given time.
What are your top tips on running a company?
- Don’t be afraid to ask for help. The most successful people surround themselves with the best resources they can find and are willing to delegate tasks that others are better suited to handle.
- Be open minded and adaptable. Not everything will go according to plan and you need to be able to roll with the punches when things don’t work out exactly as you imagined. Surround yourself with trusted advisors who are on your side, not out to sabotage your success. Finally, make sure you have an exit strategy in place before making any major commitments or investments so that it’s clear how to proceed if something goes wrong.