A Beginner’s Guide to IT: How to Stay Connected and Innovative in a rapidly Digitizing World

The rise of the Internet and the growth of technological innovation has turned the world on its head. People all over the world are more connected and more aware than ever before, and it’s only getting more so with time. But there are also new risks and dangers to consider, especially if you don’t know what you’re doing or how to properly safeguard your data and resources against threats both known and unknown. Learn how to safely navigate the world of digital technology with this beginner’s guide to IT.

The Basics of Computers

Computers are everywhere in modern life, from our work space, home or even on the go. They are an important part of our lives and can be used for everything from entertainment to communication.
There are many types of computers available on the market today, but most will come with some basics features like a keyboard, mouse, monitor and speakers. The type of computer you need depends on your needs so make sure to do your research before purchasing one.

Basics of Networking

Networks are the backbone of IT. Networks consist of two or more computers linked together to exchange information. Networks can be segmented into two types: public networks, which allow access by anyone within the network area, and private networks, where access is limited to those with authorized credentials.

Cloud Storage

If you would like to keep your data safe, an online backup is the way to go. This can be done through cloud storage. You can choose from many different providers, but some of the best are Carbonite, Dropbox and Google Drive. All three offer free versions or discounted versions for students so it is worth checking them out before making your decision.

Back Up Plans

The best case scenario is that your plan goes off without any complications. But if you are not lucky enough to have this happen, it is important to have back-up plans. Planning for the worst will make it easier when things go wrong.

1) Consider what would happen if the power went out or your internet connection went down.

2) If your plan fails and everything is offline, don’t panic!

3) If you still have access to some form of communication (cell phone, landline), call family or friends who can help troubleshoot.

4) In the meantime, find paper and pen to write down all of your critical information on so that it can be accessed offline in case of an emergency.

Security and Updates

Whether you work for an organization or are an entrepreneur running your own company, staying on top of the latest updates is crucial. If you’re not sure how to do this, just follow these three simple steps:

  1. Check the website of your operating system every day.
  2. Update your software when prompted by using automatic updates when possible.
  3. Install security patches as soon as they become available by visiting the manufacturer’s website and downloading them manually if necessary.