An In-depth Look into Epic Academics with Its Founder, Priscilla Park

The tutoring industry has seen significant growth and transformation over the past few decades, with a heightened focus on personalized education and measurable academic progress. In this evolving landscape, Epic Academics has emerged as a leader, known for its innovative, student-centric approach to tutoring. At the helm of this transformative company is Priscilla Park, a seasoned educator with over two decades of experience in the field. Priscilla’s journey began with ten years of working for various tutoring companies, where she recognized the need for more tailored and transparent educational programs. This insight led her to establish Epic Academics, where she developed proprietary systems that meticulously track academic progress, ensuring both transparency and measurable improvements for students and parents alike. Under her leadership, many students have been guided to top Ivy League schools, benefiting from a holistic approach that emphasizes both academic and personal growth. Today, we have the pleasure of interviewing Priscilla Park to delve deeper into her journey, the aims of Epic Academics, and her vision for the future of education.

Q1. Please tell us a bit about your journey and what led you to start Epic Academics.

My journey in the tutoring business spans over two decades. During this time, I gained extensive experience, which culminated in the founding of Epic Academics. For the first ten years, I worked for other tutoring companies. This period was instrumental in shaping my understanding of the industry and its intricacies. However, I always felt that there was room for more personalized and effective academic support systems. This realization led me to establish Epic Academics, where I could implement my vision of customized student-centric educational programs. At Epic, I developed proprietary systems and programs that enable students and parents to track academic progress meticulously. These tools provide transparency and measurable improvements, which are crucial for achieving academic goals.

Q2. What’s the aim of Epic Academics and how do you aim to create a difference through your company?

Epic Academics aims to deliver a truly customized educational experience that motivates students by helping them understand their “why.” Our focus is on creating individualized K-12 tutoring programs that cater to the unique needs of each student. Unlike other tutoring companies, we offer a comprehensive range of services, including SAT, ACT, AP classes, PSAT, and MAP tests. Our students have a high success rate in gaining admission to top Ivy League colleges. To achieve these results, we conduct monthly meetings to tailor academic goals and strategies for each student. We emphasize the journey of progress, ensuring students enjoy the process of learning and growth. Our tools allow for seamless communication and monitoring of student progress, making it easier to provide timely support and adjustments.

Q3. Since you have been traveling, how would you describe your experience, and what are some of the lessons that you picked from it?

Traveling has exposed me to the diverse educational cultures and needs across different countries. For instance, while in South Korea, I noticed a significant interest among parents in the U.S. education system and college admissions process. This prompted me to assist several students in gaining admission to Ivy League schools, eventually leading to the opening of an Epic Academics branch in Korea. This experience underscored the importance of understanding local educational contexts and adapting our services to meet those specific needs. It also highlighted the universal desire for quality education and the critical role of tailored academic support.

Q4. What are some of the things you enjoy doing apart from your professional life?

Apart from my professional commitments, I enjoy exploring various activities, which I often recommend to students. Engaging in different activities not only broadens my horizons but also provides insights into how diverse experiences can benefit students’ holistic development.

Q5. What do you enjoy most about your company and work?

What I enjoy most about Epic Academics is the planning process for each student’s academic journey. Listening to students’ aspirations and helping them navigate the path to their goals is incredibly rewarding. The interaction with students takes me back to my own high school days, and it is fulfilling to contribute to both their academic and mental well-being. My role involves not just guiding them toward college admission but also ensuring they grow into well-rounded individuals. This dual focus on academic success and personal development keeps me motivated and passionate about my work.

Q6. What makes you the happiest, professionally and in your personal life, and how do you practice doing that?

Professionally, continuous learning and staying updated with educational trends through reading and attending seminars is what makes me happiest. It ensures that I can provide the best possible guidance and support to my students. Personally, I am equally passionate about learning new things and exploring new interests, which keeps me inspired and driven.

Q7. Is there anything exciting you are working on?

Professionally, the expansion of Epic Academics into South Korea is an exciting development. We have several seminars and webinars planned in Korea, which will help us reach more students and parents. These events aim to provide valuable insights into the U.S. college admission process and the benefits of our customized tutoring programs.

Q8. What are your inspirations and who are your role models, and what keeps you motivated in your personal life?

Facing challenges head-on and enjoying the problem-solving process keeps me motivated. I believe that maintaining a positive mindset and trusting in one’s abilities are crucial for overcoming obstacles. While I don’t have specific role models, I admire successful individuals who have achieved their goals through perseverance and a positive attitude. Learning from their stories reinforces my belief in the importance of consistency and a positive outlook.

Q9. What are your personal goals and how are you approaching them?

One of my personal goals is to travel and immerse myself in different cultures. I aim to spend extended periods in various countries, learning about their traditions, arts, and lifestyles. My experience in Korea, where I lived and worked for several months, has been incredibly enriching. I plan to continue this approach of exploring new places and gaining diverse perspectives.

Q10. Lastly, if you could change one thing in the industry, what would that be?

I would like to see an industry-wide enhancement in the accessibility and integration of practical experiences for students. Providing students with opportunities to explore real-world applications of their academic interests can significantly influence their career choices and educational paths. A better alignment between academic majors and future career opportunities would greatly benefit students, helping them make informed decisions about their studies and professional lives.

Epic Academics, under my leadership, strives to provide customized, transparent, and effective tutoring solutions. Our mission is to help students achieve their dreams by focusing on both academic excellence and personal growth. Through continuous learning and adapting to diverse educational needs, we aim to set new standards in the tutoring industry.