Awakening Your Intuitive Genius is Essential to Every Success in Life – A Conversation with Arwen Dyer

In today’s hectic and fast-paced world, it’s easy to feel lost and unsure of our direction. However, there are skilled and experienced individuals like Arwen Dyer, an intuitive coach, who have dedicated their lives to helping people rediscover themselves and chart a course towards fulfillment. Today, we will delve into Arwen’s world, where intuition is not just a concept, but a powerful and transformative tool for personal growth and change.

Arwen’s platform isn’t your typical self-help destination; it’s a sanctuary for those seeking clarity and purpose. Here, she extends a warm invitation to explore the depths of our inner wisdom and unlock the potential that lies within.

What sets Arwen apart? It’s her commitment to personalized support. Understanding that each person’s journey is unique, she tailors her approach to suit the needs of visionary entrepreneurs and coaches who have a calling to help others overcome past challenges. With empathy and grace, she empowers her clients to discover their deepest calling and seek it under the guidance of their inner superpowers, which she helps them to awaken. 

So, come along as we delve into the world of intuitive coaching with Arwen Dyer. Get ready to discover new insights, embrace your intuition, and embark on a journey of self-discovery like never before.

1. Your platform emphasizes the importance of awakening one’s intuitive potential. Could you elaborate on what led you to focus on this aspect of personal development?

Intuition is the key to success in all areas of life, it is just that we have all been conditioned over centuries to think that we should base our decisions on logic and reason. Few people are aware that we are all innately psychic, and in fact have been told that is is unsafe to completely trust our intuitive abilities. Much of this conditioning is due to thousands of years of the world being in a dominant masculine paradigm, where more feminine ways were dismissed, and in fact women were brutally harmed for expressing their innate intuitive and healing powers.  

As a therapist and an artist, I was already well versed in using my intuition; and I had also spent years seeking complementary healing practices, such as kinesiology and reiki, I could see just how possible it was to trust your intuition fully and I was fascinated. I started doing oracle readings for others and gaining intuitive skills in my craniosacral practice. I received intuitive reads from a professional intuitive which resulted in me making huge changes to my life, this taught me just how possible it is see what is in the field as possible for the future and learnt first-hand how I could then create what it was that I could see in my own future. I went on to receive expert mentoring from professional intuitive, aka psychics, both in Australia and the UK, where I was told how incredibly intuitive I am. I joined some online membership platforms that deepened my confidence to receive information from the unseen realms. This time was key because I felt like I met my tribe, especially my soul sisters, who were on a similar path of reawakening ancient abilities, it was like we were reuniting after centuries apart.

This helped me to overcome the fears I held of being judged and misunderstood, and I was finally ready to “come out” as a professional intuitive. When I was about to launch my online business, I discovered Magnetic Mind, where I quickly certified as a coach and learnt more about how key intuition is to everything we do, from daily decisions to career changes and relationships. Another thing that gave me immense clarity is discovering that  my Gene Keys include intuition and leadership; in other words, I was born to awaken these aspects and contribute them to the world to help others. I continued to experience that when I am working with my superconscious (my highest self) to gain wisdom from the field using specific skills that I learned, my life became a series of miracles co-created with the universe. Everything in my life is intuitively guided, especially my business decisions. And so now I teach others to do the same! 

2. Your coaching services target visionary leaders, entrepreneurs and practitioners. How do you tailor your approach to meet the unique needs of each of these groups?

As a visionary and go-getter myself, I love to coach people who also have a big vision. Those who really feel called to make a difference to the lives of others or the planet. Many of these are entrepreneurial types, some who are transitioning out of a traditional work sphere, and many are practitioners, such as coaches and healers. The delivery of my services is similar for each of these groups: they each get to work with me privately as well as in small groups where they learn how to work with their superconscious, remove blocks to trusting their intuition, and experience many processes designed to rewire their unconscious limitations that sabotage their success. I make sure they are focused on creation, not on their problems or circumstances, and I read their fields to show them just what is possible for them to create.

My clients also learn the importance of aligned action and follow through, and experience how easy these steps are once their resistance has been neutralised. For clients who are ready to fire their business success, I provide a whole other level of support for them to do that, from training on how to create their own courses, to help with marketing and lead generation through the provision of virtual assistants. Thereby, these clients who are called to change the world, can get everything they need from me and my team, as well as feel part of a community (many feel they have found their should family) that I have nurtured, particular in Sisters for a New World. For potential clients who are less visionary, or indeed newer to their journey, still healing from a traumatic past for example, those who are seeking to find their purpose or who are less driven to lead and more adept to follow, they are not excluded: that’s the beauty of working in a team, I have coaches and programs to meet them where they are at. 

3. The concept of the superconscious is central to your work. How do you define the superconscious, and how does tapping into it contribute to personal growth and fulfillment?

The superconscious is the highest part of ourselves, that level of knowing beyond knowing, it is the part that always knows the truth and has our best interests in mind. For some people, this equates to God, the Universe or Source. Yet unlike in some teachings, we don’t passively wait for miracles to unfold: we co-create them. The superconscious is a field of information, it is just truth, no good or bad, right or wrong. The information held in superconscious is best described a field of memories: past and future memories stored in an invisible plane that we can all tap into.

There is much science to support this, and thousands of years of human existence to show how much this field of information is part of life on earth and of our unique nature. The superconscious of one person can be described as like a drop of water in an ocean, where the ocean is the larger field of memories, and each drop is also everyone else’s superconscious aspects. The memories are passed down through our DNA. Our superconscious existed before we were born and continues beyond our lifetime. 

Working with your superconscious is life changing, completely transformational. When we are at one with our highest selves, we can create anything. We are pure creative essence and our manifestation powers are limitless. In order to do this, we must rise above the unconscious programming imbedded in survival impulses (that are vital to survive but unhelpful when we want to create a desired reality), and beyond our thinking mind. We must discover what it is that we truly want to create by accessing the superconscious field using our intuition, then use our conscious brain to choose it (this is called creating structural tension with the end result), then use our superconscious to rewire the memories that are stopping us from creating that desired reality (I usually use a recode process for this).

Once the limitations have been neutralised, we ask our superconscious for the obvious actions steps that we must take to get closer to that desired reality. This is how my clients, colleagues and I create incredible success: it is all guided by the highest wisdom available and everyone can do this, we can all access this genius aspect of ourselves and create whatever we choose. Living life as a superconscious creator is enormously fun, empowering and fulfilling.  

4. Many individuals struggle with overcoming past traumas. How do you help your clients navigate through their traumas and reclaim their power?

Many people have experienced trauma, from little T trauma to big T trauma. As a therapist, helping people through their traumas was central to my work. However, I became disenchanted with the often slow level of change my clients experienced. In addition, I experienced episodes of post-traumatic stress myself since I was a child, and there were aspects I just could not ever seem to overcome despite trying practically everything. When I discovered the recode process and learnt that it was initially developed for PTSD sufferers, I knew this would be a powerful addition to my tool kit.

The most important aspects to how I catch people recovering from trauma are: to get them into a creative structure where they are focused on a life they love, rather then on their past and on their uncomfortable present experiencing; I then use Superconscious recode to have them neurologically rewire the trauma memories quickly and with a lasting impact. The prowesses I use and the education I provide about how the unconscious keeps us stuck in what it sees as safe and recreates what we don’t want, is truly empowering for the client who starts to learn that they are the primary creator of their own lives, free from trauma and the triggers they often experienced. Learning to live a life you love is the  best, and most cutting-edge, form of therapy. Everything I teach and coach is what I also used in my personal recovery journey.   

5. Intuition is often seen as an elusive trait. How do you assist your clients in honing their intuition, and what benefits do they experience from doing so?

Despite what we have been conditioned to believe, intuition is innate to use all. While women tend to have a more natural predisposition to being intuitive, any gender can become fluent in their intuition, to be fully psychic. From my own journey and my training, I have a wealth of strategies that I teach my clients to hone their intuition. They learn the importance of being “innocent” to what is in the field, that is, having no need to know, and thus being able to receive unbiased information. They learn how to define what it is they want to receive and how to interpret it. We also remove any fears or doubts, including past-life traumas, using the recode process. I get immense satisfaction from seeing my clients quickly demonstrate just how intuitive they are, they usually completely surprise themselves and soon gain confidence.  

I can hardly begin to describe the myriad of benefits my clients get from awakening their intuition and mastering it. Life completely transforms. Intuition is used to make decisions, to know what true choice (or goal) to focus on and what action to take. People enjoy noticing synchronicities, divine timing, and a stronger connection to their superconscious and to others with a similar way of being, and a greater sense of spirituality. 

Intuition is pivotal to conscious creation: it is vastly empowering in all areas of life, from business success to finding your calling to meeting the love of your life, growing a family and creating abundant finances, and everything else in between. It is the future of the human experience from business to government levels. Certain corporations and even detectives, now employ professional intuitives. 

6. Empowerment is a key theme in your coaching philosophy. How do you empower your clients to take charge of their lives and unlock their true potential?

I love seeing my clients reclaim their power and create an extraordinary life they choose, and I use a variety of techniques and education to help them do this. 

One of the biggest things clients learn it that no one is broken and needs fixing. We are already innately powerful as creators and intuition is key to creating everything in life. I equip my clients to understand that they can choose to create anything they want, and have the power within to manifest that. This is an incredibly empowering shift for them. Part of what I do is intuitively read their field and share with them what I see in their future, which is hugely impactful for them and in line with what tugs at their hearts. I then assist them to refine what it is they want and to choose it, then unpack what is happening in their current circumstance and the dysfunctional past programming that stops them from creating that desire reality. One we shift the resistance, and clients begin to take unhindered action and see results, their level of empowerment skyrockets! Over time they become their new identity, as a Superconscious Creator, creating more of what they love and leaving the old version of them behind.