Age: 35
Company Name: Parham and Associates Executive Coaching
Position In The Company: CEO/Founder
At Parham and Associates, we are an executive coaching firm specializing in emotional intelligence. We provide coaching to aspiring leaders of color looking to manage their stress levels more effectively. P&A leads with extensive experience working in executive and leadership positions, including Fortune 500 companies, Law Enforcement Agencies, and local state and federal Governments. We create a safe space where clients can learn to be better leaders in all aspects of life, not just in the workplace.
Our coaching firm will help you understand your team better by creating a culture where teaching and learning thrive! We focus on the corporate culture through communication style, leadership agility, emotional and cultural intelligence, and so much more. We all have our insecurities, but it’s not always easy to talk about them. It can feel like weakness or vulnerability that we need to hide from others. But the truth is that by hiding our insecurity, we are making ourselves less confident. True confidence begins to emerge when we drop the need to hide these things and instead embrace them as part of who we are. And this is what Parham & Associates Executive Coaching helps people do every day!
As an organization that started by helping black women and non-binary leaders navigate corporate America while still honoring their identities, P&A is committed to supporting every individual who walks through our doors. Our dynamic approach helps you become your best self as an intentional leader by helping you identify your strengths, build on your weaknesses, learn new tools to be more effective in all aspects of leadership; and develop stronger relationships with staff members, students, parents/guardians, and community stakeholders.
We provide the necessary tools to become an inspiring leader who inspires others!
Website URL: www.parhamintelligence.com
Social Media Links:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/hamlecoach/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/parhamintel