Balancing the scales: Discover Dr. D Ivan Young’s proven method for long-lasting relationships and unlocking success for high achievers

Personal coaching has emerged as the leading method for personal growth, particularly for affluent individuals and high achievers. These are individuals who often face challenges balancing work, their own mental and emotional well-being and the demands of personal life. Notably, Dr. D Ivan Young is a globally recognized behavioral and relationship expert and highly sought-after life coach. 

“He is a Master Certified Coach credentialed through the International Coach Federation (ICF). Dr. Young specializes in working with ultra-high-net-worth individuals, professional athletes, entertainers, public figures, and successful entrepreneurs. “He helps them with their work-related problems as well as the various issues that could affect their brand and, most importantly, their relationships. His approach sets him apart from typical coaching methods by addressing not only career and business matters but also focusing on his client’s personal happiness.”

In this interview, we will explore Dr. Young’s perspective on how he approaches the science of coaching and the dynamics of the highly complex world of interpersonal interactions.

  1. Your work is based on two primary areas of specialization, namely coaching and relationship expertise. Why and how have you decided to focus on this particular type of service, namely working with wealthy clients?

“When I first started my career, I had a big realization that went beyond just making money and reaching my goals. I realized that what truly mattered was making my clients happy. There’s a quote in a spiritual text that has really stuck with me, asking if it’s worth gaining everything in the world if you lose yourself in the process. People often think that success is all about what others think, but I believe that understanding and valuing your own feelings and finding inner happiness is what really matters. To live a truly fulfilling life, it’s important to focus on understanding yourself, being kind to yourself, and accepting who you are.”

2. In your perspective, what do you consider to be the strongest challenge in a relationship that wealthy individuals struggle with?

“That’s easy. Please allow me to ask you this simple question. How would you feel if you had to wonder if people actually love you for who and what you are or do they love what you bring to the table? 

No one in their right mind wants to be exploited. No one wants to wonder if the person they allowed in their life will stand by them if they lose what they have. Wealth and fame can be a burden, especially when you are surrounded by people who have a hidden agenda. I encourage my clients to have potential suitors complete my couples coaching program with them. Though it won’t guarantee a love that can endure the test of time, it definitely will identify unresolved issues, potential areas of conflict, and self-sabotaging beliefs and behaviors that could, down the road, become my client’s worst nightmare. Put mildly, the more one has, the more they have to lose, especially in romantic relationships.” 

3. What are the essential differences between your strategies of working with personal and professional relationship issues of successful clients?

“Whether it’s with our work colleagues or our loved ones, how we handle our relationships can have a big impact on our happiness and well-being. When I work with my clients, I use proven methods and techniques to help them understand themselves better. It’s important to start by working on our own feelings and thoughts before we can improve our relationships with others. The way we treat ourselves often sets the tone for how others treat us. If we find ourselves in difficult or unhappy relationships, it’s often because we allow things that we shouldn’t. On the other hand, how we treat others can also affect how they treat us. My goal is to help my clients, many of whom are successful and wealthy, to become more self-aware so they can navigate their relationships more authentically and without holding themselves back.”  

4. Can you explain how emotional intelligence affects the achievement of high-net-worth individuals not only professionally but also personally?

One of the most critical skills needed in the pursuit of wealth is emotional intelligence. Much research has confirmed that likability is far more important than skills or credentials when it comes to creating wealth. If people find it difficult to engage with or relate to someone, the odds of them spending their hard-earned money with that person are slim to none. Moreover, if you’re putting on an Academy Award-winning performance just to get what you want, that’s not going to play well either. Sooner or later, the masquerade will come to an end. Only authentic emotional intelligence can foster lasting relationships. People are loyal to what’s loyal to them. 

5. What motivated you to achieve the master certified coach and how has the certification helped in your work with clients?

An International Coach Federation credential is the gold standard for professional coaching globally. Of the more than approximately fifty thousand ICF credentialed coaches in the world only four percent or less possess the coveted Master Certified Coach credential. To attain this certification one must undergo hundreds of hours of rigorous training, pass a critical evaluation of one’s skills, pass a rigorous exam, and have a verifiable track record of thousands of hours of professional coaching, not to mention meeting an assertive continuing education requirement. Though I have many well-respected credentials, the ICF-MCC is one my most valued achievements. I am very passionate about what I do. I realize that people are literally putting their lives and well-being in my care. That’s a responsibility I take very seriously. My clients deserve the very best, and because of that, I must be the very best. This credential confirms that.

6. You frequently write about the topic of self-awareness in your blog. How do you enable your clients to build this skill?

Understanding oneself is a fundamental element in the journey of personal development. In my practice, I place great emphasis on guiding individuals toward gaining profound self-awareness. A significant number of individuals navigate through life in a state of reactivity or merely coping, irrespective of their outward achievements. Internally, many find themselves trapped in survival mode, hindering their personal growth. Until we transcend the initial three levels of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, realizing our fullest potential remains a challenge. Through comprehensive clinical evaluations, extended one-on-one master-level personalized coaching, intense introspection, assigned readings, and thought-provoking homework, my clients are empowered to become true experts on themselves. Only by attaining a profound understanding of oneself can one forge enduring and purposeful changes in one’s life. Unlocking a deep understanding of oneself lies at the heart of my brand’s mission.