Converting energy into creation is the solution to breaking free from the rules of the physical world.

Meet the exceptionally gifted Priscilla van Ham, a revolutionary artist and designer born in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, on March 15, 1990. With a rich background spanning from Rotterdam to Eindhoven, Priscilla’s artistic journey has been one of endless discovery and boundless creativity. Her passion for art goes beyond mere self-expression; for her, it’s a language that breaks free from the shackles of the physical world. In this exclusive interview, we delve deep into Priscilla’s personal and professional experiences, exploring how she expresses herself through avant-garde and sustainable creations.

1. As a conscious creator, your art reflects a deep connection between creativity and spirituality. Can you elaborate on how this connection shapes your artistic vision and the messages you aim to convey through your work?

Being creative, in essence has everything to do be with being spiritual. We creatives are an instrument for the divine to connect and download the information needed on mother earth. I am very grateful I have the skills to translate this valuable information into art. Creating a product which once was nothing but a fleeing thought is a magical process for me. It’s manifestations transcend the limitations of the physical world and help me to break free from ‘the rules’ and societal programming.
My artistic vision stems from wanting to leave the world a better place than how I found it. The messages I try to convey are intuitive and mostly about creating awareness. It is my personal goal to show people a different perception on things we usually don’t question or think about. I am addressing various social, societal, and ecological issues and invite viewers to question programmed norms and values. I invite them to open their mind and perceive things differently. I don’t want to project my own vision onto the world but rather try to reflect back what I perceive by turning pain into beauty. I highlight the potential for positive change and encourage collective action for a better future. If more people live from authenticity, from love, and from the highest vibrational frequency on earth, then I am fulfilling my life purpose. The world is a beautiful place, and together we can make a change. Every day is a new day to start!

2. Your decision to establish your own design firm in 2019 is a bold step. What motivated you to take this leap, and how has the journey been in terms of realizing your goal of creating meaningful products that communicate with the world?

I always had the ambition to own a company, but it wasn’t until I was 29 that I established my design firm. I think we all go through life-changing events. You can either let it break you, or you can pull yourself towards a more compelling future, your purpose. This is exactly what happened to me.

I went through depression and burnout at the age of 25. Anyone who has ever been through this will understand that in those moments you only have two options and one important choice: either go on or give up. After 4 years of battling trauma, I made a life-changing decision: to step boldly into my future and make a truthful and lasting effort to create the life I always dreamed of living. I didn’t have a plan B. Two weeks after I made this decision, I established my design firm. Was I scared to take this leap of faith? Yes. Did I let it stop me? No.
My journey of creating meaningful products has been an interesting one so far, challenging but rewarding! By trying to give back to the world, I found that I simultaneously gave the world to myself. I learned during my journey, that it is not so much about the end goal, but even more about the person I am growing to become. The progress of building a brand is slow and intense, but fulfilling. Life teaches me patience and to stay consistent in an ever-evolving environment. It’s almost 5 years later and I experienced amazing opportunities, I exhibited my work in Londen, Athens, and Rotterdam. This was grace, I will be forever grateful for believing in myself and giving one lasting shot at pursuing my dream!

3. Sustainability is a central theme in your art. How do you approach incorporating sustainability into your designs, and what challenges and triumphs have you experienced in creating avant-garde, unique, and eco-conscious pieces?

What I find most important is that whatever I decide to create will never harm people, by doing mass-production. Nor harming the environment by polluting it, as well as trying to use as many recycled and circular materials as possible. My products are sustainable and have longevity. Creating my products this way, mostly hand-made isn’t the easiest road. There are definitely faster ways to achieve my goal of selling my products worldwide, but it will only be fulfilling if I do it “the right way”. Again: to contribute to creating a better world. So I will keep creating meaningful products that will help people by either their function or the message it conveys. All to help raise the frequency of the earth. People receive my products well, they are triggered by my designs, show interest, and are receptive to the inspiration and vision behind my creations. This is my way to connect authentically with others.

4. Having graduated in Product Design and studying Man & Communication at the Design Academy in Eindhoven, how do you find the balance between these two disciplines in your work? Can you share a specific project where this interdisciplinary approach has been particularly influential?

Product design has a significant influence on all of my work; I always aim to create new, meaningful, and conscious products. Through either their function or the message. My second education at the Design Academy, Eindhoven, has taught me how to communicate without using words. Combining product design with communicative design perfectly encapsulates my work: “Communicating without having to be vocal.”

One of my most recent projects showcases these two disciplines combined. My “Time is Relative” product, which is the first product of my product line (and is now available for sale!). This XXL design clock reflects on time as it is, serving as a reminder that time is always ‘now’. It’s only in the present moment where possibilities are endless. It’s in the here and now where we shape, create, and experience life. I want to invite people to live more from their intuition, by the rhythm of their hearts, and to be less guided by the human construct we call ‘time’.

5. Your work often addresses social, societal and ecological issues. How do you navigate the fine line between making a statement through art and ensuring your message resonates with a diverse audience?

Whether it is the design, the messages I am trying to convey, my story, my mission, or my vision, my work is created for whoever it resonates with. I truly believe that the right audience will find me, just as I will find them. Energetic magnetism is real!

6. In the world of contemporary art and design, where do you see the future heading, and what role do you envision yourself playing in shaping the discourse around consciousness, creativity, and societal awareness?

The future of art and design is bright and full of opportunities. Even though the world is spinning towards a fast technological environment, creatives will forever be needed as they offer a different and much-needed perspective on life and the world we live in.

Life taught me that following my intuition is a rewarding journey, and listening to the rhythm of my heart never led me astray. So when I envision my future and the role I will play into this ever-changing environment, I am going to continue creating art and design products. I also envision myself giving lectures and inspire creatives around the globe to get out of the rat race and start following their dreams and their life purpose.

I would love to create a community where people who resonate with changing the world for the better can come together. I believe that one (wo)man can be a wind of change, but brilliant hearts combined can be a hurricane of change.  If you resonate with my story, don’t hesitate to reach out. Together, we can make a lasting change!