Elana Swart-Traut

Age – 52

Company Name – Dynamic Transformation

Position In The Company – Director & Facilitator

Elana Swart-Traut is a certified soul coach, preferred advanced PSYCH-K facilitator, and parenting coach with over 20 years of experience. She had a stellar corporate career but wanted more from life. Her true passion was helping families in need, which led her to train as a parenting coach – working closely with children and their parents.

After identifying a gap in the market, Elana developed a business idea for a safe daycare that offered peace of mind, eventually growing it into a preschool, primary school, and high school. Her schools have consistently performed well, with their Grade 12 learners achieving a 100% pass rate for many years.

Elana’s journey as a self-described “accidental entrepreneur” is nothing short of inspiring. She took it upon herself to build a daycare from the ground up to upskill disadvantaged individuals, teaching them crucial skills that set them up for success in life. 

What sets Elana apart from others is not only the quality of her service but her tenacity. She secured a record amount of funding (which was also the record amount the funder had ever approved) for her school without any financial background or financial degree, which she considers her biggest achievement – working from temporary classrooms in the interim.

Additionally, her intuitive connection with clients guides the process, enabling a direct approach to problem-solving and identifying goals. With a very specific skill set that cuts out the noise and facilitates instant change. Elana provides parenting guidance through personal appointments or workshops.

Life changed for everyone when Covid-19 hit. But for Elana the challenge took on a whole new level when she was diagnosed with an aggressive form of cancer. But even in the face of adversity, Elana did not give up. She went through aggressive chemotherapy and became the first person to beat a cancer this potent.

The fact that she survived against all odds made her realize that she still had a purpose to fulfill. Elana restarted webinars with parents and moved into coaching as an advanced PSYCH-K facilitator. Her specialty is helping people manage conflict and develop meaningful relationships. She believes that the root cause of conflict are childhood wounds and has a unique skill in identifying and helping people heal from it.

Her advice to anyone trying to achieve anything is to not be easily scared and to realize that no mountain is too high to climb. Everything is impossible until someone does it. Elana’s infectious positivity has the power to make people laugh, smile, and regain their confidence, which is crucial in today’s world. 

Elana is truly a ball of positive energy, and she aims to be a catalyst in creating a happier world. She comments:

“The world has not been a happy place since Covid. I want to be the catalyst to get people laughing, smiling and regaining their confidence.” Despite her busy schedule, Elana manages to balance her personal life and business responsibilities by being disciplined about her time and managing her diary in a responsible manner. She places importance on maintaining meaningful relationships with her family members while continuing to deliver her best work.

Website URL: www.dynamictransformation.guru 

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