From the UAE to You: Gül Gürsoy’s Global Vision for Workplace Bliss

In a world where inspiration is often sought, Gül Gürsoy stands as a beacon of what it means to not only be inspired, but to become an incredible source of inspiration for others. Since 2000, Gül has been on a remarkable journey, transforming the landscape of career development and workplace happiness with her unique blend of expertise and innovative approaches. As a University graduate German Teacher, certified LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® Facilitator, Business Trainer, accredited ICF Coach, and Art Life Therapist, Gül brings a diverse set of skills to her role as a career alchemist, unlocking the potential within every professional she encounters.

At the heart of Gül’s philosophy is the belief that success in People Management is deeply personal, social, and rooted in real-life experiences. Through her personal bran BLUE, she has crafted programs that go beyond conventional training, empowering individuals to thrive in today’s competitive business world. What sets Gül apart is her rich tapestry of experience, from training franchiser teams to advising CEOs and CHROs, coupled with her multilingual prowess in English, German, and Turkish, which opens doors to global perspectives.

Perhaps the most intriguing tool in Gül’s arsenal is her mastery of LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY®, an innovative methodology that unlocks creativity and problem-solving skills in unprecedented ways. Today, we have the unique opportunity to delve into the mind of this visionary leader, exploring how Gül Gürsoy is reshaping the concept of career success, infusing joy and fulfillment into professional lives. He is also inspiring a new generation of leaders to reach their full potential.

1. Can you take us back to the beginning of your career journey? What inspired you to enter the field of career development and coaching?

I graduated as a teacher from university, and my hobby was traveling. So, I combined my passion for travel with my profession of teaching and began my journey as a Hotel Training Coordinator. This unique blend allowed me to explore new places while imparting knowledge and skills to hospitality professionals.

My path into the field of career development and coaching was both organic and driven by a deep-seated passion for helping others achieve their full potential. It all started when I was working in various roles within the hospitality industry. Early on, I was fortunate to have mentors who recognized my potential and provided invaluable guidance and support. Their impact on my career was profound, and it inspired me to pay it forward. I saw firsthand how the right advice and encouragement could transform someone’s professional path, and I wanted to be that catalyst for others.

As I progressed in my career, I found myself naturally gravitating towards roles that involved training, mentoring, and team development. Whether it was onboarding new employees, designing training programs, or leading workshops, I discovered a genuine passion for empowering others. This passion was coupled with a knack for identifying individual strengths and helping people navigate their career paths.

One pivotal moment came when I was asked to develop a comprehensive training program for a newly opened hotel. The project was a success, and the feedback from participants was overwhelmingly positive. They appreciated not only the practical skills they gained but also the confidence and clarity they felt about their career prospects. This experience solidified my decision to focus on career development and coaching.

I pursued formal training and certification as a career coach, immersing myself in the latest methodologies and best practices. Alongside this, I continued to grow in my hospitality career, taking on roles that allowed me to implement and refine my coaching skills on a broader scale.

The inspiration to enter this field came from a desire to make a meaningful impact. I wanted to help individuals not just find jobs, but build fulfilling and successful careers. Seeing someone overcome challenges, achieve their goals, and grow both personally and professionally is incredibly rewarding.

Today, as a Global Career Coach, Workplace Happiness Consultant, and Director of Talent and Culture, I draw on these early experiences to guide my approach. Every step of my journey has been fueled by a commitment to personal development, breaking norms, and fostering environments where people can thrive.

In essence, my career journey began with the influence of my father who is not only a great mentor but also a successful Businessman and Rowing Coach. The by heart, naturally leading approach and discipline I’ve learned from him, has evolved into a fulfilling mission to inspire and support ambitious leaders in the hospitality industry, helping them navigate their career paths with confidence and purpose.

2. You wear many hats – German Teacher, LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® Facilitator, Business Trainer, Career and Art Life Coach. How did you acquire such a diverse skill set, and how do these roles complement each other in your work?

Acquiring such a diverse skill set has been a journey driven by curiosity, passion, and a commitment to lifelong learning. Each role I’ve taken on has enriched my understanding of human potential and organizational dynamics, allowing me to bring a multifaceted approach to my work.

My journey while I was studying as a German Teacher at the Istanbul University. My love for languages and teaching laid a strong foundation for effective communication and empathy. This experience taught me the importance of understanding different perspectives and adapting my teaching methods to meet diverse learning needs.

My passion for creativity led me to become a certified LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® Facilitator. This methodology harnesses the power of play to solve complex problems and foster innovation. By facilitating workshops where participants build and share models, I learned to unlock creativity and collaborative thinking in teams. This role complements my teaching background by adding an element of hands-on, experiential learning.

As a Business Trainer, I developed programs that focus on leadership, team development, and organizational change. This role required me to stay updated with the latest business trends and training methodologies, which I achieved through continuous professional development and networking. The skills I gained here seamlessly integrated with my facilitation techniques, allowing me to design training sessions that are both engaging and impactful.

Becoming an ICF-certified career coach was a natural progression in my career. Coaching allowed me to dive deeper into understanding individual motivations and helping people achieve their personal and professional goals. The coaching skills I acquired enhanced my ability to listen actively, ask powerful questions, and provide constructive feedback. These skills are invaluable in all my roles, whether I’m facilitating a workshop or mentoring a team member.

My role as an Art Life Coach brought a new dimension to my work where I use creative processes to help individuals explore emotions, reduce anxiety, and improve self-esteem. This approach has been particularly useful in addressing stress and burnout in the hospitality industry. It complements my other roles by providing an alternative way to support mental and emotional well-being.

These diverse roles complement each other by providing a holistic approach to development. Teaching and training equip me with the ability to convey knowledge effectively. LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® and Art Life Coaching add creative and experiential elements to my methods. Coaching brings a personalized touch, focusing on individual growth and goal-setting. Together, these skills enable me to create comprehensive development programs that cater to both the professional and personal needs of my clients.

In essence, my journey has been about integrating various disciplines to foster a richer, more effective approach to talent and culture development. Each role enhances the others, creating a dynamic and versatile toolkit that I use to inspire and support ambitious leaders in the hospitality industry.

3. What was the most challenging obstacle you faced in your career, and how did you overcome it?

I am a strong believer that challenges are made for us to grow with stronger roots. This is why I take them to hand from a different perspective. One of the most challenging obstacles I faced in my career was the integration of a new performance management system. The existing system was outdated, and there was significant resistance to change from the management who were accustomed to the old ways.

To overcome this, I started by conducting thorough research to understand the specific concerns and pain points of the employees. I held focus groups and individual meetings to gather insights and feedback. Based on this information, I developed a comprehensive training program tailored to address these concerns and highlight the benefits of the new system.

I also introduced pilot programs in three departments to showcase the positive impacts of the new system, which helped in gaining initial buy-in informed and involved in the transition process.

To further ease the transition, I established a support system with dedicated team members who could assist with any issues or questions as they arose. This hands-on approach ensured that employees felt supported and had access to the resources they needed to adapt to the new system.

By demonstrating the system’s benefits through the pilot programs and maintaining open lines of communication, I gradually built trust and acceptance among the employees. The success stories from the pilot departments helped in persuading the rest of the organization to embrace the new performance management system.

In the end, the new system was successfully integrated across all departments, leading to improved performance tracking, enhanced employee engagement, and more effective talent development. The key to overcoming this challenge was understanding the concerns, involving employees in the process, and providing continuous support and communication throughout the transition.

4. How has your multilingual background influenced your approach to coaching and understanding different work cultures?

My multilingual background has significantly enhanced my coaching by enabling me to connect with clients from diverse linguistic and cultural backgrounds. It allows me to communicate more effectively and empathetically, understanding nuanced cultural differences and tailoring my approach to suit each individual’s context. This cultural sensitivity fosters a more inclusive and supportive coaching environment, ultimately leading to more impactful and meaningful outcomes for my clients.

5. What inspired you to found BLUE, and what were some of the initial challenges you faced in establishing your personal brand?

I founded my personal brand BLUE in 2015 out of a desire to create a platform that combines my passion for career development, coaching, and creativity. The inspiration came from seeing the transformative impact of personalized guidance and innovative methodologies on individuals and teams in the hospitality industry. I wanted to offer a unique approach that blended these elements to drive personal and professional growth.

Some of the initial challenges in establishing my personal brand included differentiating myself in a crowded market and building credibility from scratch. It required a clear articulation of my unique value proposition and consistent effort in showcasing my expertise and results. Additionally, I had to invest in building a strong online presence and network to reach and engage my target audience effectively. Overcoming these challenges involved a combination of strategic marketing, leveraging testimonials, and continuously delivering high-quality services that reinforced my brand’s promise.

Today where I am standing; BLUE is not just my favorite color but also stands for Brave Leaders Unite Employees, which is exactly describing what we all are doing as people who are passionate hoteliers.

6. In your experience, what are the most common obstacles professionals face in achieving career satisfaction, and how do you help them overcome these?

In my experience, the most common obstacles professionals face in achieving career satisfaction are things like lack of clarity about their career goals, limited opportunities for growth, and struggles with work-life balance. A lot of people also feel undervalued or unappreciated in their roles, which can lead to frustration and disengagement.

To help them overcome these obstacles, I use a few key strategies. First, I help them clarify their career goals. We go through self-assessment exercises to figure out their strengths, passions, and long-term aspirations. This helps them understand what they truly want from their careers, which is crucial for setting meaningful and achievable goals.

Next, we create personalized development plans. These plans outline the steps they need to take to reach their goals, like identifying necessary skills, seeking out training opportunities, and setting short- and long-term milestones.

I also focus on enhancing their skills and competencies. Through targeted training and coaching, we work on building the skills they need to advance in their careers. This can include leadership development, communication skills, or technical expertise, depending on what they need.

Work-life balance is another big area. I emphasize the importance of maintaining a healthy balance between work and personal life. Together, we explore strategies for managing time effectively, setting boundaries, and prioritizing self-care to prevent burnout.

Building confidence and resilience is crucial too. Many professionals face self-doubt and fear of failure. I provide support and encouragement, helping them build confidence and resilience to overcome challenges and setbacks. This involves developing a growth mindset and viewing obstacles as opportunities for learning and growth.

Finally, I encourage them to create a supportive environment by seeking out mentors and building a strong professional network. Having a support system can provide valuable guidance, feedback, and encouragement, making it easier to navigate career challenges.

By addressing these common obstacles with a tailored and comprehensive approach, I help professionals achieve greater career satisfaction and fulfillment.