How Can You Develop a Persona to be a Leader in the Digital Revolution?

Understanding that digital transformation begins with personal change requires adopting the persona of a successful leader. While this is the most important message from my book, Crossing the Digital Faultline, it is also the most difficult to implement. Thus, before providing further details of a great leader’s persona, let’s define what a persona is.

People can find several articles and literature about leadership; just a small portion of it examines how disruptive technology might define the next generation of leaders in today’s society. Before we go on to digital leadership, let’s take a step back and consider what leadership entails in general, as well as if universal leadership attributes apply to the fast-paced world of disruptive technology.

Different eras necessitate different types of leadership, yet many renowned thinkers argue that certain universal attributes remain ageless. First and foremost, personal charm. A charismatic person possesses a rare ability that allows them to inspire devotion and allegiance in their followers.

You need to know that technology is fast progressing and has never had such an impact on people’s lives. Politics, corporations, economics, and society, as well as our daily lives, are all being transformed by digital technology. Digital technology has not only shattered old, familiar organizational forms but has also produced a slew of new issues. The space sector is possibly the finest illustration of revolutionary change.

When it comes to constructing personas, you must first collect information. When it comes to data collection, you’ll need tools. However, there are multiple tools to choose from. The good news is that many of these tools are available for free. Google Analytics, for example, provides a wealth of information on visitors to your website. You might be able to develop personas just by looking at Audience data in Google Analytics.

Almost every social media platform, in addition to analytics, provides it. Examine the demographics and interests of social media followers of your brand. Are you an owner of a young company, and you don’t have a lot of visitors or social media followers? You should try to invest in some premium products.

Traditional talents have not been replaced; instead, they now coexist alongside a variety of new aspects. To begin with, digital leadership may be described as a leader’s contribution to the shift to a knowledge society as well as their technological competence. Leaders in the digital space have a responsibility to stay up with the global transformation. They must comprehend technology not just as a means to an end but also as a revolutionary force.

You need to have a genuine desire to learn in order to drive leadership. Of course, there is no law that says CEOs must be able to code or have completed a machine-learning program, but understanding the significance of breakthrough technology is critical.

Leaders cannot afford to demonstrate fear or hesitancy in integrating digital technology now that it has been recognized that it will play a critical role in our future. They must instead embrace technology with a clear understanding of its promise. We need to set sail for fresh and exciting regions.