How to Stay Ahead of the Curve in Email Marketing

Email marketing has been around since the ‘80s, but it’s no less effective than it was back then. In fact, when it comes to turning viewers into leads and leads into customers, email marketing has never been stronger or more profitable as it is now in 2022. This guide shows you how to keep your email marketing relevant and successful into the next decade with four simple practices you can adopt right now.

Create Engaging Content

In 2022, it’s unlikely that every email will have an embedded video. It’s also unlikely that every email will be interactive or that all emails will be sent using HTML (as opposed to text-only emails). But one thing is a sure bet: If you want your emails opened and read, they need to include some sort of relevant content. As you plan your marketing strategies for 2022, don’t forget about creating engaging content.

Deliver On Promises

Make sure that what you promise, you deliver. Don’t overpromise and under-deliver because it will do more harm than good. Once people have seen what your product or service can offer, they want to see it delivered on a consistent basis. That requires staying ahead of trends and always looking for ways to improve your offering. Do that and you’ll be at least a decade ahead of where competitors are, which will be hard for anyone else to catch up with.

Develop A Sales Funnel Strategy

A sales funnel is a process you implement when you’re selling a product or service. A lot of companies invest a lot of money into making sure that their sales funnel is effective and converting as many leads into customers as possible. It’s common for businesses to start with one strategy, try another and then switch it up again until they find something that works.

Make Sure Your Emails Are Mobile Responsive

Mobile internet usage will surpass desktop by 2017. If your emails are not mobile responsive, you could be missing out on a huge chunk of your potential audience. With email marketing being one of today’s most powerful ways to reach an audience, you’ll want to make sure your message is reaching as many people as possible. Your best bet is keeping it simple and easy for anyone who wants to read it.

Track Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) & Get Feedback From Customers

The first step toward staying ahead of email marketing trends is keeping up with current KPIs and optimizing campaigns based on key performance metrics (KPIs). How many times a month do your customers click on your emails? How many product sales do these emails lead to? What’s their open rate? These are all important questions you should be asking, and they can all be tracked via your email provider. Make sure you’re also getting feedback from customers and using it to improve future campaigns.

When email marketing first came on the scene, it was considered invasive and spammy by many users who didn’t like being interrupted in their inboxes by people they didn’t know. However, as time has gone on, it has become clear that email marketing is an essential part of any company’s growth strategy.

In fact, having a well-executed email marketing strategy has become the hallmark of successful companies in every industry across the board. If you want to stay ahead of the curve in email marketing, you can use the above mentioned tips to enhance your email marketing approach in 2022.