Age: 47
Company Name: M.Designs Architects
Position In The Company: Co-Founder and owner
Malika Junaid is the founder and principal of Silicon Valley award-winning architectural firm, M●Designs Architects. She has won several architectural awards for her work that including awards from the prestigious META Remodeling Awards from NARI (National Association of the Remodeling Industry), as well as an Environmental Quality Award from the City of Menlo Park, California, for the most sustainable single-family home in the city.
Malika’s design work has been featured in many local and international TV and print media. Her clients include executives from Apple, Box, Facebook, Google, and Whatsapp, among other
In 2009, Malika founded Green Learning Institute in California, which helped communities establish environmentally sustainable building practices through ongoing training and education.
In 2010, Malika co-founded Pakistan Green Building Council, a nonprofit organization committed to promoting sustainable concepts and practices to transform the way buildings and communities are built and operated in Pakistan.
In addition to her professional work, Malika is a Board Member and Charter Member of the Organization of Pakistani Entrepreneurs of North America (OPEN), member of Women Entrepreneur (WE) Los Altos, and member of Business Network International (BNI). She is passionately involved in promoting entrepreneurship and business leadership in local community.
Malika is also devoted to supporting many charities focused on educating the younger generations, especially young girls in developing countries. She is currently a board member and President of the Silicon Valley Chapter of Development in Literacy (DIL).
Malika Junaid has achieved her Bachelor of Architecture degree from Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Website URL
Social Media URL
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/m.designsarchitects/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/malika-junaid-aia-261732/