Mashi Epting’s Expert Insights on Cultivating Mental Resilience To Thrive Entrepreneurship  

Mashi Epting's Expert Insights on Cultivating Mental Resilience To Thrive Entrepreneurship

In today’s fast-paced world, mental health has become a critical factor in professional success. Yet, it’s often overlooked or brushed aside. Understanding the importance of mental health in the workplace is essential, not just for personal well-being but also for achieving long-term success. Mashi Epting, a seasoned business professional with a background in healthcare and entrepreneurship, offered invaluable insights on how mental health impacts professional journeys.

Unlike most of us, Mashi’s journey began a tad bit early. While we were still confused about our major life goals, she already had eyes on the big picture. Her story began as a young mother who soon realized that this very moment was to achieve something bigger – to give the best life to her child. This life-changing event fueled her determination to succeed and provide a better future for her family. She balanced her responsibilities as a young mother while pursuing her entrepreneurial dreams, a journey fraught with challenges but also marked by significant growth and self-discovery.

Over the years, Mashi has built an impressive portfolio of successful ventures. She owns Complete Treatment, a healthcare company that specializes in comprehensive care based on the DSM-5-TR. She also founded Complete Taxes, a reputable tax company, and Complete Tax and Training Software, which offers business setup, tax software, and training. These ventures highlight her expertise in both healthcare and business, making her a well-rounded leader.

Understanding Mental Health With Her

Mashi Epting says, “In the hustle and bustle of professional life, mental health often takes a back seat. However, understanding and prioritizing mental health is crucial for sustained professional success.”

Seeing firsthand how neglecting mental health can lead to burnout, decreased productivity, and strained relationships, she knows how it is like. “In my early career, I faced immense pressure and stress, trying to balance multiple roles. It wasn’t until I started prioritizing my mental health that I saw a significant improvement in my productivity and overall well-being,” she shares.

As an entrepreneur working full force, one often forgets that Good mental health enables us to handle workplace challenges, build strong relationships, and make sound decisions. However, many professionals, especially entrepreneurs, grapple with mental health issues like stress, burnout, and anxiety.

From her extensive experience, Mashi advises that addressing mental health issues is not a sign of weakness but a necessary step towards building resilience. She often sees professionals grappling with stress and anxiety, which affects their decision-making and leadership abilities. “When you’re mentally exhausted, it’s hard to make sound decisions or inspire your team. Taking care of your mental health is essential for effective leadership,” Mashi asserts.

“I remember feeling completely drained at one point, juggling multiple roles and responsibilities,” Mashi recalls. “But my mentors provided me with the support and perspective I needed to push through. They helped me realize that taking care of my mental health was crucial for my success.”

She highlights how recent research from UKG reveals that an astonishing 8 out of 10 managers feel burned out, making them the most affected group in the study.

“I’ve worked with many individuals who were on the brink of burnout,” Mashi says. “They were highly skilled and dedicated, but their mental health issues were holding them back. It was clear that without addressing these challenges, their professional growth would stall.”

So what do we do?

Build A Relationship

While delegating is often recommended to prevent burnout, Mashi Epting suggests taking it a step further by identifying and nurturing your relationship with your “key executive” or right-hand person. This individual, whom you work most closely with, can help alleviate many stressors that contribute to leader burnout. As Mashi emphasizes, “Two heads are better than one. Having a trusted right-hand person who complements your strengths and provides support when you feel overwhelmed is invaluable.”

Investing time to strengthen this relationship is crucial. Learn the best ways to communicate effectively and establish work protocols and systems that ensure you are prepared for unforeseen emergencies. “Having a trusted adviser means you have someone to offload tasks to and create strategies with when you start feeling the onset of overwhelm,” Mashi advises.

Practice Self-Compassion

High achievers often tend to be their own harshest critics, using intense self-talk to stay on track and focused. However, Mashi Epting emphasizes that practicing self-compassion—speaking to yourself with kindness—can be far more effective. “When we treat ourselves with the same compassion we would offer a close friend, we activate the nurturing parts of our brain, which heightens our empathy and connection with others,” Mashi explains. This approach not only improves our relationship with ourselves but also enhances our ability to connect with our team and stakeholders.

Equally important is the concept of acceptance. Mashi points out that identifying what can and cannot be controlled is crucial for effective leadership. “Managers often fall into the trap of believing they must control every detail of their team’s work, leading to micromanaging and perfectionism,” she says. These behaviors can be toxic and counterproductive.

Mashi advises, “Understanding that you cannot control others’ opinions or behaviors allows you to disregard unnecessary details and focus on what truly matters: providing the right level of guidance for your team.”

Creating a Supportive Work Environment

A supportive work environment plays a significant role in maintaining mental health. Mashi believes that leaders should foster a culture that prioritizes well-being. “Creating an open and supportive atmosphere where employees feel comfortable discussing their mental health is vital,” she asserts.

In her companies, she implements policies that promote mental health, such as flexible working hours and mental health days. She also goes big on team-building activities and open communication. “When employees feel supported, their productivity and job satisfaction improve,” she explains.

Give Mentorship a Chance

Mentorship can have a profound impact on mental health. Mashi has experienced this firsthand, both as a mentee and a mentor. “Mentors provide a sounding board and a source of encouragement,” she says. “They can offer guidance during tough times and help mentees navigate challenges more effectively.”

Mashi recalls a particularly memorable mentorship experience where she witnessed a team member display extraordinary leadership skills during a critical project. “Their ability to inspire and rally the team around a common goal was awe-inspiring,” she remembers. “It reinforced my belief in the importance of mentorship in developing strong leaders.”

Studies have shown that good mental health enhances cognitive function, creativity, and emotional intelligence—key attributes for professional success. Mental health professionals advocate for regular self-assessment and seeking help when needed. Mashi echoes this sentiment, encouraging professionals to seek support from mentors, counselors, or therapists. “There’s immense value in talking to someone who understands your struggles and can offer constructive advice,” she notes.