Never Give Up: The Inspiring Journey of Victoria Carrera of Breaking Generational Curses

Overcoming adversity is no small feat, especially when the odds are stacked against you. From a life of poverty and hardship, a remarkable story emerges—one that is defined by unwavering determination, discipline, and faith. This journey is about breaking generational curses, shattering barriers, and building a life that defies expectations.

Victoria Maria Carrera embodies this journey. Through sheer perseverance and a deep-rooted belief in God, she has transformed her life, rising above the challenges that once threatened to hold her back. Her story is not just one of survival but of triumph, offering hope and inspiration to anyone facing similar struggles.

We had the privilege of speaking with Victoria to learn more about her journey, the lessons she has learned, and the wisdom she wishes to share with others.

1. For beginners facing fitness challenges, what advice would you give to help them stay committed? What strategies or mindsets helped you when you started?

It’s best to make small goals to  accomplish to start. Everything takes time so be realistic about a time frame.  Write out your workouts in advance so you have a plan when you get to the gym. 

2. How do you stay motivated during significant challenges in your fitness journey? What techniques help you stay focused on your goals, and what advice would you offer to others struggling similarly?

Prioritizing and planning are mandatory in your fitness journey. Even if it is ten minutes sometime during the course of the day to walk, stretch,  you have to want to feel good. People get used to feeling tired and weak it’s easy to stay stuck.  

I do daily meditation and yoga or Pilates in a hot room and that helps me stay focused and I always recommend some journaling. 

3. Discipline is crucial for long-term fitness success. How has discipline played a role in your journey, and how do you maintain it daily? 

Discipline is self-love and care so if I feel in a moment like not doing something I have to remind myself that not doing it is the opposite of caring for myself. 

4. How has your nursing background influenced your approach to fitness training and client care? How do you integrate your medical knowledge into your fitness practice? 

Nursing has helped bridge the gap with many health diagnoses and how exercise assists in reversing certain conditions, especially for diabetes and heart health. I have helped many people get off of medications by getting them on a fitness and nutrition plan. 

5. How important has community support been in overcoming adversity? How have you built and maintained your support network, and how has it contributed to your success? 

I didn’t have much community support early on so I put myself out there and started volunteering for various organizations that helped me build relations with others and it allowed me the opportunity to help others that needed support to overcome adversity. 

6. What sacrifices have you made to achieve your current success, and how did you make those decisions? What have you learned about prioritizing your goals? 

I wouldn’t say they were sacrifices I say they were choices I made in order to keep moving forward. I ask myself- in what way is the choice I’m making now going to affect my future? That helped me prioritize and it also helped me in not repeating past mistakes. We cannot expect to do the same thing over and get a different result.