Peter Ristevski on the Opportunities Available for Business

Peter Ristevski on the Opportunities Available for Business

Peter Ristevski is a distinguished figure in Liverpool, Australia, renowned for his dual roles as a political leader and business innovator. Currently running for Mayor of Liverpool, Peter also leads a successful accounting firm, Investment Plus Accounting Group. His unique perspective and extensive experience in both realms make him an invaluable asset to the community, driving significant change and creating opportunities for businesses.

 A Journey of Dedication and Leadership

Hailing from Chipping Norton, Peter Ristevski laid his educational foundations at Chipping Norton Public School and Moorebank High School. He furthered his academic journey by earning a master’s degree and is a proud father of two—his daughter, a university graduate, and his five-year-old son.

Peter’s commitment to public service was evident during his tenure on Liverpool Council from 2012 to 2016, where he also served as Deputy Mayor. One of his notable contributions was initiating the annual Councillor black-tie ball, which raised hundreds of thousands of dollars for local charities, demonstrating his dedication to community welfare.

 Visionary Leadership in Business

Peter’s keen eye for identifying broken systems in politics and business drives his desire for change. “Success to me looks like change,” he says. “Making changes, affecting changes, permanent changes.” Inspired by entrepreneurs like Elon Musk and Richard Branson, Peter aims to transform not just how industries operate but also how people think and engage with the world.

As the CEO of Investment Plus Accounting Group, Peter has built an empire with offices in Sydney, Dubai, and New Zealand. His firm is renowned for its innovative tax strategies and proprietary structures that legally minimize tax liabilities, enabling business owners to reinvest their earnings and protect their assets. This innovative approach has earned Peter the title of the “1% accountant,” offering unique strategies that significantly increase retained earnings for his clients.

 Pioneering Opportunities for Business

Peter Ristevski’s firm recently received the 2024 Global Recognition Award for its outstanding innovation in tax strategies, particularly in offshore tax planning. This accolade, along with being named the top business professional of 2024 by the Digital Journal, underscores his impact and thought leadership in the field.

Looking ahead, Peter plans to expand Investment Plus Accounting Group with new offices in Adelaide, Bali, and Western Sydney. These locations are strategically chosen to enhance services like asset protection and international tax planning, leveraging new opportunities such as the 24-hour international airport in Western Sydney. This expansion reflects Peter’s forward-thinking approach and commitment to providing comprehensive financial solutions to businesses.

 A Commitment to Community and Innovation

Beyond his professional achievements, Peter is deeply committed to his local community in Liverpool. His dedication goes beyond providing top-tier accounting and business services; he is passionate about representing and serving his community’s best interests. His mayoral campaign focuses on promoting progress, inclusivity, and sustainable growth, addressing local challenges with practical and innovative solutions.


Peter Ristevski’s story is a testament to the power of innovation, strategic planning, and community engagement. His dual focus on political and business excellence positions him uniquely to lead Liverpool towards a prosperous future. Through his work, Peter not only navigates the complexities of finance and politics but reshapes them, offering a blueprint for success that benefits both businesses and the community at large. His vision for change and commitment to creating opportunities make him an exemplary leader for Liverpool’s bright future.