The Mind-manifestation Connection: Stephanie Edouard on holistic self-transformation

The process of mental and personal growth is the most important topic in the context of modern health trends. One such person who has come up as a result of this current trending manifestation is Stephanie Edouard, a woman who has combined manifestation practices with mental health. 

Stephanie is most recognizable for her work at Epiphany in Steph but her shows incorporate manifestation with clinical psychology. Her strategy is shown in her book “Heaven On Earth Manifestation Journal” which is available on Amazon. It is designed to build an effective and universal route to individual change.

Today, we have the privilege of interviewing Stephanie Edouard, who is a manifestation specialist and the founder of Epiphany In Steph. 

  1. In what way was your experience in mental health helpful in applying the manifestation techniques?

It generated the very fabric of my new reality overflowing with love, peace, and happiness. To have a healthy mental state is a complete breakthrough in the world of manifestation! The power of the mind is extremely powerful once you know how to yield it. We are not taught at an early age about how our mental health affects our reality and the secrets to manifestation. Fortunate enough, I am privileged enough to be surrounded by people who informed me with the wisdom, that your mind is the greatest asset on top of love. As a child, my parents were always stern about implementing healthy mental hygiene. I was not really allowed to watch TV therefore I read books and daydreamed. Somehow I became beyond fascinated with neuroscience and the power of the mind. Thus at an extremely young age, I was reading books such as Think and Grow Rich, The Seat of The Soul, Albert Einstein, and far more books regarding positive thinking to create your reality. The vague scientist in me began conducting mini experiments on the connections between our thoughts and emotions mirroring and reflecting our internal feelings to our third-dimensional reality. When you think positive, you feel positive, and then gain positive experiences. When you think negative, you feel negative and gain negative experiences. My research showed that when you are in a positive mental state you are in alignment with everything which is yours by divine rights. This is where your manifestation transpires at a faster rate.

2. How does manifestation connect with cognitive behavioral therapy or any other well-known mental health practices at the theoretical level?

Let me state this in advance, I am not a therapist only a manifestation enthusiast. I have mastered the artisanship of manifesting through personal experiences. On a theoretical level, I can only provide the formulas I accrued over time which brought extensive results. What statement I will make in the connection between manifestation and mental health practices is it does allows you to have awareness to your thought patterns and reprogram your subconscious mind. Manifestation is not a method for problem-solving rather just various experiments to be experienced as a silent observer. The mistake we make as a society is the constant need to label things and place them within a box instead of allowing them to just be or not be. Manifestation is meant to be as simple as breathing when we are not molding a final verdict of which category it should be placed under.

3. In your opinion, how can manifestation practices be useful for enhancing the state of a person’s mental health?

From my personal experience, I presume it to be the other way around, you will need to have a higher state of consciousness in order to enhance your manifestation practices. Manifestation is like a muscle, you need to practice and practice until you finally master it.  To the point it becomes effortless, this is how manifestation should be. You are in flow and in alignment with the frequency of least resistance. Great mental hygiene is required in order to see astonishing results with manifestation. Enhance your brain power and watch your life change drastically.

4. Can you explain how you apply the ideas of the “law of attraction” that are often stated in your work, to the scientific theories of psychology?

I wouldn’t necessarily say I implicate the law of attraction in my journal, I discuss mindfulness, positive affirmation, and gratitude to remain in alignment with the very object you are trying to manifest. Studying neuroscience and audio, I understand how frequency can affect the neural network within our brain and create a wavelength sent out into our reality to affect our surroundings and body depending on the frequency you emit. My personal theory is no different from Sigmund Freud’s or any other scientific theories of psychology, in all technicality we are all saying the same thing. You become what you feel, what you eat, what you hear, what you surround yourself with, and what you simply believe. 

You are a receiver of informational light codes whether you are aware of it or not. You constantly consume your daily dose of what you expose yourself to each day. You attract exactly what you believe about yourself internally. Life is only a mirror of the endless possibilities constructed within our DNA codes. It is our job to rewrite our codes to the imagination we wish to experience. By practicing mindfulness you crack the codes of being in alignment with your vision. Everything is an energetic frequency attached to another reality. Just like a radio station when you fancy to listen to a different music, you change the station. Same thing with the “law of attraction” To bring forth your aspiration you change your thoughts to the vision you wish to experience as if it already happened. When you hold your mind in this timeline, truly focusing and feeling your emotions in this present moment, completing this every single day until it manifests into your reality is how you transport your visions from the ether. From my perspective, this is how I see it affiliation.

5. How do you handle criticism from traditional mental health practitioners regarding manifestation practices?

Everyone is subject to their own personal evaluations, it is their free will to do so. I cannot take their perspective personally. I can only speak on what I perceive and experience, my own truths. I understand my truth may not be someone’s else truth until they experience it for themselves.  So I choose not to disregard anyone else personal experience and perspective, as it goes against the Universal Law of Judgement. I choose to allow people to express their thoughts but I am also in awareness I do not have to stand in agreement with it. I am only responsible for my own truths in regard to manifestation practices because the reality is not everyone comprehends them. Some people will master it while others will be spectators.